Made this bookcard in cas style. Wanted it to have room for a little small girly gift such as a bracelet, ring and so on...

Have used
White bazzill as the base, distressed with tea dye
Penny Lane pp
Echo Park pp (both from a nook-kit)
Thickers (also got in a nook-kit)
Shirly2Girls stamp
Kreativ Hobby stamp
Tim H stamp
Distress Tea Dye on every edge
The pepples is home made with epoxy stickers I got at HeidisHobbystuggu on it...

Will be entering this card in the following challanges
MyScrapbookNook, 2. april challange
Hope you all like it
Love LindaSS
Love LindaSS
SvarSlettOch med ett bra budskap....
Ha det!
Utrolig lekkert!
SvarSlettTusen takk for bidraget til Scrappekammeret!
Hi Linda! A really beautiful book you made. All the brown colour are so nice togetherl! Unfortently you havent used a product from Nelllie Snellen, Wild Rose Studio, Leane Creatief or Tonic Studios. This is one of the criterias at Kortgleder this month. You still have time to add a new card! :) Hugs from Henrikke, DT for Kortgleder
SvarSlettNydelig bokkort du har laget! Tusen takk for at du deltar hos Scrappekammeret!
SvarSlettSå pent bokkort du har laget. Må prøve meg på et slikt et snart=)
SvarSlettSmil fra Sandra
this is wonderful